Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Nobody is Coming to Save Us

Blessings, Courageous Ones!

Can you feel the transformation in the air?  Here, the air is fairly crackling with the energies of change and growth.

Along with my Dark Moon students and Sisters, I am still deep within the exploration of my Shadow-Self.  The unexpectedly chilly Bay Area weather has assisted me in going into that dark place, that inner realm, the place of the Hermit.  Here inside, is it warm, sometimes hot!  This is tricky, difficult work and I sometimes feel the need to surface, thanking those parts of myself that no longer fit, gently allowing the release and surrender that is needed.

At our last class, I shared the idea that nobody is coming to save us.  What does this mean?  So many of us who are now women were unconsciously raised to believe (in the heterosexual myth) that if we waited, our prince—or someone, or something--was going to come and rescue us.  That knight in shining armor would arrive on a white steed to bear us away from our wretched lives and give us everything we ever wanted or needed.  And we would live happily ever after.  Whether or not we are aware of it, this Princess Complex haunts us.

Even more prevalent than I remember it being as a child, this Princess Complex is nurtured.  Gowns, crowns, scepters, wands, princess parties, it goes on and on.  There is absolutely nothing wrong with our girls playing dress-up and creating fantasy worlds—this type of free, unstructured, unscripted play should certainly be encouraged.  But when a girl believes in the fairy tale that someday “he” will come to whisk her away and make everything okay, then we are raising girls that will stay girls.  We unwittingly raise generations of women who will remain children.  We unintentionally create women without the ability or knowledge of how to rely on themselves.  Here are women who will look outside of themselves for the answers, a prince, a father-figure, a savior…anyone and anything but looking within to themselves. Women without the knowledge that, “if that which you seek you find not within yourself, you will never find it without.”  Many of us secretly think that if we wait long enough, someone or something will show up to save us.

Accepting that no one is coming to save me places responsibility upon me take responsibility for my own self.  No one can walk my path for me!  Yes, there are those who may walk next to me for a time, those who may sometimes hold my hand, and those who have previously walked where I am now walking, but I am truly the only one who can travel this road.  I am the only one who can do my Shadow work.  I am the only one who can change my perceptions, thoughts, feelings.  I am the only one who can take responsibility for my happiness and my life.

This year feels big to me.  I have set new intentions and have committed to following my dreams in an even bigger way than I ever have before.  I search for what is my truth now, in the present moment, and discard those things that may once have been truth for me, but no longer serve.  This is a time for courage, and allowing bravery to overcome fear.

As Debbie Ford asks in her book, The Secret of the Shadow:  “If there was no hope of a miracle happening, what changes would you make in your life today?”  I spend a lot of time contemplating this.  What changes would I make?  What changes am I making?  In which parts of my life am waiting around for someone to step in to save me? What changes would you make, Courageous One? 

Blessed be,
Lady Jesamyn Angelica
HP, Sisterhood of the Moon

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