Thursday, November 10, 2016

Self-Care in a Post-Election World (Especially for my Pagan Family)

Self-Care in a Post-Election World (Especially for my Pagan Family)

Dear Ones,

We are hurting.  We are grieving.  And grieving looks and feels different for each of us.  It may manifest as crying, raging, numbness; detachment, depression, insomnia; stress, physical pain, anxiety—and it changes over time as the energies run through and out of our bodies.  Let us be gentle with ourselves and one another, knowing that our expressions of grief may not match.  Some people are crying; some people are shouting; other people are marching in the streets.  Some of us are ready to take action; some of us need more time. Assigning blame does not help our process; all expressions of grief are equally genuine and legitimate.  We Are All One; we are each a sliver of divinity; we are each Divine.  Let us not turn on one another in this time of anguish, Beloveds.

For those of us encountering our own deep sadness, rage, panic, confusion, and paralysis, please keep feeling what is true for you in this moment.  You are so very brave and all of your emotions are “right” and valid. Keep feeling and releasing, feeling and releasing, feeling and releasing.  We Are All One.  Some of us are feeling and releasing for those who cannot; spiritual warriors who have taken on an enormous task.  Take solace that in feeling and processing this heaviness, your contribution to our collective healing is immeasurable.  Not everyone is meant to stand on the front lines.

I am currently experiencing intense sorrow and shock.  Sorrow and shock that so many of our “fellow citizens” chose hatred, bigotry, racism, ableism, and misogyny, chose to use their vote against the sovereignty and well-being of women, people of color, LGBQT+-folk, non-Christians, disabled people, etc.—to send the message that we, and the quality of our lives, do not matter. I am quite aware that we live in a patriarchy/kyriarchy—my entire life is dedicated to ending this structure—and yet I had not accurately grasped just how deeply it is rooted, into those sneaky, tricky, crooked, deep fear places that people keep stealthily hidden away—perhaps even from themselves—buried and secret.  I am in “emergency mode,” which only comes to me in times of urgent necessity, when my mind becomes fiercely clear and quiet so that I can make the best choices to protect myself and others.

Our community, Sisterhood of the Moon, is a matriarchal* community and although our primary service is to women, we lovingly open our space to all people who wish to gather together in peace, to experience what we mean by “matriarchy”—how it looks, feels, and lands in the body.  (These circles, Solar Tribe for all, and our children’s circle, Honey Hive, are founded and guided by High Priestess Sabrina Moon.  Please join us with your Loved Ones.) One of the cornerstones of the foundation of our community is that of empowered Sovereignty for all beings. We’ve found that one of the keys to living a sovereign, authentic life of integrity is Self-Care. Without caring for ourselves first, we cannot truly care for others. 

Please, Dear Ones, take care of *you* and do it every day, today, right now if possible. You are needed; you are loved. Here are some ideas for self-care to use during times of trouble, and every day:

Daily Spiritual Practice:  Many of us already have a rich daily practice.  Even though it may be tempting, do not drop this in times of difficulty!  Adapt and shift it, shorten it if necessary, but continue connecting with the Divine daily in whatever way is right for you. 

If you do not yet have a daily practice, now is a good time to begin; if you only have one minute in the shower every morning, make that minute count.  A daily practice can be as short and simple as pulling a Tarot card, Oracle card, or Rune for the day; lighting a candle or some incense on your altar and saying a brief prayer; speaking from your heart to the Divine within or without, or engaging in five minutes of meditation. 

Movement:  The body is our physical Temple of Divinity; we are Divine and our bodies are the Temples we reside in.

Engaging in daily physical movement assists us in running energy through and out of our bodies, draining out and releasing experiences and energies that we don’t want or need to hold within itIt’s imperative to let these energies go and release them to keep our bodies healthy.  Energy is cyclical and we should always strive to be in the flow of giving and receiving. 

Effective movement can be anything from intense running to loving, gentle stretching, to anything in between: a quiet twenty-minute walk every morning and/or evening, yoga during the lunch hour, an aerobics class in the early morning, etc.  Often, the hardest part of engaging in physical exercise is starting or just getting out the door.  Once we’re moving, the benefits are usually felt almost immediately. 

Physical Body:  Our goal is to feel 100% optimal at all times.  When we don’t feel well, we don’t feel powerful.  Think of how you feel when you are down with a cold or flu.  Now think of how you feel when you have eaten too much, eaten food of poor quality, ingested chemicals, etc.  Let’s take the best care of our bodies as possible.

Water:  Water is the Element of Sovereignty.  Staying hydrated helps us to stay empowered and to make better choices.  When we’re hungry and it’s not time to eat, let’s pause and drink a glass of water instead.  Many people are chronically dehydrated and don’t realize it.

Emotional Body:  It is necessary that we clean up our emotional messes, get in touch with our emotions, and learn how to effectively manage our feelings.  We all have different experiences, therefore different needs and coping mechanisms. 

Etheric Body:  Tending to our etheric body is paramount.  We can check our auras, our chakras, and look for energetic cords to others and situations that no longer serve us and should be cut, dissolved, or released, and then do so or ask for help in doing so.

Clearing and Cleansing: Releasing things from ourselves and our homes, both physically and energetically, keeps things as clean and clear as possible.  Clean out the clutter; smudge, asperge, spritz—whatever feels right to clear our spaces.

Pleasure: “All Acts of Love and Pleasure are My Rituals.”  Pleasure is mandatory!  Make space for enjoyment, fun, and play.

Sleep:  We all have different sleep requirements.  We must each discover our own and be mindful about resting our Sacred Temples.  Turn off electronic devices before sleeping hours.  Do not engage on social media right before bed.

Other ways of caring for ourselves during troubled times include social media fasting, connecting with nature, meditation, dancing, singing, chanting, making music, creating art, and reading something just for the fun of it.   Laugh! Try affirmations, movement, the healing arts (massage, acupuncture/acupressure, tapping, counselling/therapy/coaching, etc.), visualization, vision boards, holding boundaries, travel, mirror work, water immersion, herbs and essential oils, astral travel, and energy work. 

Remember your magickal practices.  Engage in ritual and spellwork, if that is part of your Path. Gather with your covenmates, Circle Family, and others of like-mind.  Spend time face-to-face-breathing-the-same-air with Loved Ones. Ask for support and if you can, give support to others.  Be a compassionate, listening ear.  

If you find yourself in fear and panic, stop—take a breath, become present in your body and present in this moment.  If you are having trouble doing this, reach out for help—don’t wait.  

Be willing to sit in the uncomfortable longer.  Bless yourself and your body daily.

Let us truly *feel* our pain, feel it so that we can release it, and when it is truly felt, to pick ourselves up and move forward, together and with love and compassion in our hearts. Let us come together. Let’s share resources, actions, magick. Let’s check in on one other and give help and support where and when it’s needed. Let’s remind one another to breathe, to ground, to center. Let’s remind one another of our innate divinity.

My election magick was cast for "the highest good of all involved." I hold fast to the knowledge that the results will be such, although not in the way this human woman had hoped.

Each breath we take is a choice and can be a vote for change.  When we start with ourselves, our homes, our families, our friends, our micro-magick builds.  Many pebbles in the pond make a great tidal wave of change, change that is lasting and built upon a strong and sturdy foundation.

There is now, and has always been, lots of work to be done.  Let's hold one another and love fiercely. Let’s each do our part. We can do this.

You are needed.  You are loved.

With Love and Gratitude,
Lady Jesamyn Angelica
High Priestess, Sisterhood of the Moon


For those of us feeling powerless and are ready and longing to take action, this article lists organizations that can use our support, time, and money:

*Please note that matriarchy is not the “opposite of patriarchy.”  Matriarchy is based upon egalitarian ideals, where are all have equal value.

Art:  Stormy Sea at Night by Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky