Wednesday, December 19, 2012

On Shining Our Light

Blessings, Courageous Ones!

Lately, I have been deeply involved in Shadow work, both as a teacher and as an eternal student of life.  As we count down to Winter Solstice early Friday morning, I find myself deeply aware of the dark, communing with it, descending deeper and deeper into my inner realms, peeling back the layers.

During this Reset* process that began on 12-12-12 and completes on 12-21-12, I am busy clearing things out that I choose not to take with me into the next cycle.  I am releasing clothing that no longer fits, items that are no longer useful to me or my household; I even cleaned out the spice cabinet!  My daily practice has doubled in the time it takes to complete each morning, and I am gratefully at peace with this as it is allowing me to release and surrender those things that no longer serve from my body, my mind, my heart, my soul, my life.  I feel I have been given a great gift, the gift of starting over.  I am feeling the presence this Reset energy strongly in all of my thoughts and activities.

In a recent discussion about the Shadow-Self, one of my students shared that in the past, she has been ashamed of her power and has been afraid to let other people truly see it.  This is a concept I have been musing on for some time. In this culture, it sadly seems commonplace for a person, especially a woman, to be afraid of showing her power and therefore, unable to manifest it fully.  I have experienced this myself many, many times.  

We are taught as young girls and women never to "outshine" anyone else—to not rock the boat, to be polite and humble, to not draw attention to ourselves.  Over the years, I have seen many a woman targeted and systematically “taught a lesson” when she radiated her power-within.  “Who does she think she is?” “She thinks she’s better than everyone else!”  “She is stuck up…a snob…conceited….”  “She’s so full of herself!”  This plays out every single day on the playground, in the classroom, in the workplace, at any number of social gatherings, and yes, even within the Pagan community, maybe even within our own covens and circles.

There is currently a scarcity mentality around power—people, especially other women, seem to seek to tear down a woman who displays power-within and confidence.  Instead, let’s come to a collective realization that we can all access this power inside of ourselves; this power is our birthright.  When we are all on a journey of self-actualization and fulfillment, there is no need to compare ourselves to others and we no longer need to try to make ourselves feel better by bringing others down. There is no way, and no need, to "outshine" another when we are all shining, knowing and loving ourselves. 

Now is the time to allow your light to shine, to release any shame or programming around this, and to truly step into your power-within.  It is there, waiting for you.  Stop hiding it from yourself, and stop hiding it from the world.  We are all needed now, as whole and powerful as we can each possibly be.

Let us find ways to support one another—to support all women—in finding and holding our own power-within gracefully.  Let us make a pact to never speak ill of another woman who is standing in her actualized power-within. Let us agree to no longer bear witness to women tearing down other women, to speak up and to end this practice in our own realms.  Let us all support one another in truly manifesting our power-within and allowing that beauty to radiate out into the world for healing and justice.

So Mote it Be!

Blessed be,
Lady Jesamyn Angelica
High Priestess, Sisterhood of the Moon

*All Praise and Thanks to Oseaana December and Celestial SHE for bringing forth the concept of the Reset.  Please see: and

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