Thursday, August 16, 2012

Counting Down

Blessings, Courageous Ones!

Today marks 22 days until my High Priestess Ordination, the final clergy Rite of Passage in the Dianic Tradition, of which I have been a part since I was 19 years old.  I find myself almost completely focused on this portal and what needs to be done before I walk through that sacred gateway on September 7th.

As the Moon wanes, I am releasing, releasing, releasing.  After Friday, the New Moon in Leo, the Moon will not be Dark again until a week after my Ordination ceremony.  I try to catch a glimpse of Her through the fog and clouds each night, asking Her to take those things, known or unknown, which I need to let go of, those things that no longer serve me, those things I will gratefully, and hopefully gracefully, relinquish as compost for healing and forward movement.  Time feels like it has sped up, and I am racing towards the finish line as I do the work of expansion, of making more space within myself.

I am cleaning and letting go of things like a wild woman.  Tangible things like artwork, writings, clothing.  Intangible things like ideas, constructs, grief.  I am in deep communication with my Soul and with my Truth.  As I cleanse and purify myself, I make room for those things, the Essence of what is needed right now in this time, in this place, and in this dimension.

I am taking stock.  What have I learned?  What am I grateful for?  What qualities do I wish to pack in my etheric bag for this next part of the journey?  Into this space I am creating in my heart and Soul and home, I call forth those things that will enable my Service to rise effortlessly to the next level.

I am asking myself many questions and this feels important; this is my sacred work of this particular moment.  What does good—exceptional—leadership look and feel like?  How can I honor my own Self and also be in harmony with the Service I am called to do?  As an Empowered Queen, how do I flow with the cycles of Giving and Receiving?  How do I care for myself so that I do not “burn out?”

As I prepare for our Sisterhood’s annual Labyrinth Pilgrimage the first weekend of September, I muse on what I can create to symbolize those things I am willing to release.  What am I truly willing to leave in the center of the labyrinth?  I respectfully and humbly entreat Grandmother Spiderwoman to assist me in weaving all of the threads of my life into a beautiful tapestry, to protect me during this time of Initiation, to aid me in fully opening myself to the depth of my power-within and the magick that is all around me, in all dimensions, in all space and time, throughout the Multiverse.  May I walk in Beauty.  May I walk in Mindfulness.  May I walk in Truth.

I invite you to journey with me, Adventurous Ones!

Blessed be,
Lady Jesamyn Angelica

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